In a time of great change and challenge, not only in higher education, but legal education specifically, legal professional regulation and the legal services market, universities find themselves in an increasingly competitive and complex market place which makes informed strategic planning absolutely vital for survival and success. Universities which offer law programmes can derive enormous benefit from an objective external perspective which Hardee Consulting’s unique combination of expertise in higher education, legal services and regulation is able to provide.
Specifically, Hardee Consulting’s services to educational institutions encompass:
- Market briefings: to understand current and future developments in legal education and training, the legal services market and regulation which could have an impact on demand for, and delivery of legal programmes and courses, whether academic stage, vocational stage, work-based learning or post-qualification.
- Strategy development: to identify the business objectives for an institution in offering law programmes and courses, and to develop an appropriate strategy.
- Market analysis: to identify current and likely future developments in the legal education and training market, current and future markets, and external and internal perceptions, both as part of strategy development and development of innovation in curriculum and delivery.
- Course design: to develop innovative courses and programmes which will appeal to an institution’s student base and differentiate itself in the market.
- Academic research projects: to conduct research into areas of interest to do with legal education and training.
- External member: to act as a ‘critical friend’ for internal periodic reviews or external validations and accreditations.
- Student talks: to increase awareness and understanding of the future of the legal profession, commercial awareness, the regulatory regimes for lawyers, career options, and the realities of legal practice.