
Regulators must balance the need for quality assurance and protection of the public, against the requirement for regulation which is proportionate. The role that legal education and training does and should play in regulation is an ongoing debate. Hardee Consulting has considerable experience across a range of jurisdictions, which can assist regulators in their regulation of legal education and training.

Specifically, Hardee Consulting’s services to regulators encompass:

  • Regulatory reviews: to carry out reviews of the whole, or aspects of, the legal education regulatory framework in a jurisdiction, producing discussion papers or review reports, as required.
  • Consultations:  to draft consultation papers, and other supporting documentation, for response and consideration, and to review and report on consultation responses.
  • Implementation of reforms: to advise and assist with the implementation of education and training reforms, including liaison with stakeholder groups and facilitation.
  • Research projects: to conduct research into aspects of legal education and training, whether academic research and/or market research, and to produce reports and recommendations
  • Regulatory drafting: to draft regulatory instruments, as well as guidance notes, which are accessible to those being regulated.  This can include reviewing existing documentation and re-drafting for consistency and clarity.
  • Analysis: to analyse legal education and training, and the likely impact of current and future developments such as the higher education sector, the legal services market, other professions, including comparing to other jurisdictions.